Gabrielle Roesch
The how
THEMES: Definitions | WORKSHOP: Natural History & Research
Gabrielle Roesch
Gabrielle Roesch is a M.S. Candidate with the School of Forest Resources at the University of Washington. His research explores environmental economics and potential markets for forest ecosystem services. He is using focus groups and a stated preference survey to collect my data. Gabrielle also works with WSU Extension as part of the 4H Fish and Forest Stewards Program and the Carbon Masters volunteer training program. He grew up in the desert landscape of Utah but has lived in the Pacific Northwest for most of the last 10 years.Conversations:
This morning, everyone was getting really caught up. The physical scientists fighting with the biologists about what is included in the definition. A lot of what we were talking about was what is being studied – the animal, the plant, the geologic process. But in my mind it's the how. How do we endeavor to learn?