Julia Parrish
Larger than science

Haldre Rogers
Completely silent forests

Richard Olmstead
Willful disregard for science

Liam Stacey
The solution team

Robert Paine

Jerry Franklin
Not seeing the forest for the trees

Harry Greene
Ambulance driver

Jeff Anderson
Ground nesting bird nest finder

Julia Parrish & Mitch Thomashow
Time travel

Sacha Vignieri
I am a naturalist

Trileigh Tucker
Science and spirit

Richard Olmstead & Karen Reagan
An open door

Tim Billo & Larry Davis
Summer camp

Stephanie Hampton
The microscopic world

Stephanie Hampton
Standing on the ice

Gary Machlis
Science is civics

Greg Murray
Knowing too much

Traci Price & Jennifer Ruesink
I feel good

Clifford Duke & Peter Dunwiddie

Steve Herman
Teaching beauty

Maria Coryell-Martin & Julia Parrish
Art as a tool, not a talent

Robin Kimmerer
Goldenrod and asters

Nancy Baron & David Inouye