Julia Parrish
Larger than science

Robert Michael Pyle & Saul Weisberg
Keep an eye out for those kids

Steve Herman & Noelle Machinicki
Off the pavement

John Anderson

John Anderson
The Sistine Chapel

Julia Parrish & Mitch Thomashow
Time travel

Peter Feinsinger
Natural history in Latin America

Richard Olmstead & Karen Reagan
An open door

Bob Fuhrmann
My career objective

Stephen Trombulak
Holding a chickadee

Steve Herman
Teaching beauty

Jonathan Bakker
Not just doom and gloom

Maria Coryell-Martin & Julia Parrish
Art as a tool, not a talent

Harry Greene
28 weeks

John Horner
Standardized testing

Robert Michael Pyle
Reading, writing, arithmetic and nature

John Tallmadge
Sharing, teaching and storytelling