Josh Tewksbury
An exciting time to be a naturalist

Julia Parrish
Larger than science

Robert Michael Pyle & Saul Weisberg
Keep an eye out for those kids

Gary Paul Nabhan
An act of creativity

Carlos Martinez del Rio
The fruiting bodies

Kent Redford
Let the ants crawl over you

Haldre Rogers
Completely silent forests

Richard Olmstead
Willful disregard for science

Josh Tewksbury
Ten thousand pictures

Liam Stacey
The solution team

Robert Paine

Mary Power
Ridiculously fond of turtles

Peter Dunwiddie
Standing by the window

Steve Herman & Noelle Machinicki
Off the pavement

Harry Greene
Joes and Annies

John Anderson

Peter Kahn
Environmental, generational amnesia

Tom Fleischner & Reed Noss
Natural history and conservation

Sarah Rabkin
Hummingbird nostril hitchhikers

Arya Degenhardt
Falling in love

Sarah Rabkin
A record

Patricia Zaradic
Tumble about in the moss

Kirsten Rowell
My diaper bag

Carlos Martinez del Rio
Me and my love

Jerry Franklin
Not seeing the forest for the trees

Harry Greene
Ambulance driver

Gary Paul Nabhan

Estella Leopold & Gary Paul Nabhan
Sky dance

Jon Jarvis & Saul Weisberg
New Americans

John Anderson
The Sistine Chapel

Richard Conniff
A story about mosquitoes

Karen Reagan
Artillery impact area

Jeff Anderson
Ground nesting bird nest finder

Doug Walker

Laura Busby & George Gilchrist
Everything and everyone

Stephanie Pate
The adult lens

Amanda Barney
You fish and I do science

Dee Boersma & Kent Redford
I like people

Julia Parrish & Mitch Thomashow
Time travel

Sacha Vignieri
I am a naturalist

Julie Stein
Natural history museums

Doug Levey & Terry Wheeler
An accepted way of viewing art

Doug Levey
Hooked on nature

Terry Wheeler
My living room window

Peter Feinsinger
Natural history in Latin America

Kirsten Rowell & Anne Salomon
The poetic ecologist

Trileigh Tucker
Science and spirit

Saul Weisberg
Rebirth of natural history

Ken Voorhis
Play more

Richard Olmstead & Karen Reagan
An open door

Tim Billo & Larry Davis
Summer camp

Stephanie Hampton
The microscopic world

Stephanie Hampton
Standing on the ice

Tosha Comendant
The chase

Gary Machlis
Science is civics

Greg Murray
Knowing too much

Bob Fuhrmann
My career objective

Gabrielle Roesch
The how

Robert Paine & Mary Power
Our respective glasses

Traci Price
Anything but quiet

Traci Price & Jennifer Ruesink
I feel good

Stephen Trombulak
Holding a chickadee

Martha Groom
Staring into the ash

Clifford Duke & Peter Dunwiddie

Steve Herman
Teaching beauty

Jonathan Bakker
Not just doom and gloom

Jim Kenagy
Golden-mantled ground squirrel

Maria Coryell-Martin & Julia Parrish
Art as a tool, not a talent

Harry Greene
28 weeks

John Anderson
Helping to clean oiled birds

John Horner
Standardized testing

Teresa Mourad
How many species have you identified?

Robin Kimmerer & Mimi Lam
Common ground

Gary Paul Nabhan
On the railroad with binoculars

Kirsten Rowell & Josh Tewksbury
The first human endeavor

Robert Michael Pyle
Reading, writing, arithmetic and nature

Tom Fleischner & Ed Grumbine
The practice of connection

Robert Michael Pyle & Tom Wessels
The great shame

Robin Kimmerer
Goldenrod and asters

Patricia Zaradic
Moms of the world

Patricia Zaradic
Hundred in a mouthful

Laura Sewall
A little thrill

Laura Sewall
Nature on a flat screen

Nancy Baron & David Inouye

Saul Weisberg
Your day job

Mitch Thomashow & Saul Weisberg
Scarlet tanager

Gary Paul Nabhan & Josh Tewksbury
Binoculars of our age

Gary Paul Nabhan & Josh Tewksbury
A predictive science

Arya Degenhardt
The desert pupfish

Dan Campbell
The miner's canary

John Tallmadge
Sharing, teaching and storytelling

Ed Grumbine
Natural and unnatural history

Karen Reagan
Cycling in the city

Brian Scavone
If I had that chance

Gene Myers
Great flock of birds

Tom Fleischner
Intentional attentiveness