Traci Price & Jennifer Ruesink
I feel good
THEMES: Personal Practice, Science & Research | WORKSHOP: Natural History & Education
Traci Price
Traci Price has been working in the non-profit environmental education arena for 10 years. She served most recently as education director for The Freshwater Trust and board co-chair for The Environmental Education Association of Oregon where she helped to spearhead and pass the No Oregon Child Left Inside (NOCLI) Act. She was appointed by Governor Kulongoski to serve on the environmental literacy task force created through the NOCLI Act in 2009 and served as its chair, coordinating the development of the Oregon Environmental Literacy Plan: Toward a Sustainable Future. She is an outdoor enthusiast, holds an MA in Sports Psychology, and dabbles with trashion (yes, trash + fashion) by creating wearable couture garments out of repurposed materials. She is committed to helping all people become stewards of the natural world and their home community.Conversations:
Jennifer Ruesink
Jennifer Ruesink is an associate professor in the department of Biology at the University of Washington and holds adjunct positions with the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences and the Quantitative Ecology and Resource Management graduate program. She serves as associate editor for the journal Biological Invasions. Her research addresses population-, community-, and ecosystem-level processes in intertidal soft sediment environments, with a focus on the impacts of non-native species, responses to global change, and environmentally-sustainable aquaculture. She has published more than 50 peer-reviewed papers on these and related subjects. She regularly teaches a 300-level ecology class and 400-level marine ecology class, both of which include substantial time observing natural patterns and processes. In 2008, she traveled the Skeleton Coast and worked with start-up mariculture operations in Namibia on a Fulbright fellowship. Dr. Ruesink received her BA from Cornell University, MPhil from Cambridge University, and PhD from the University of Washington.Conversations:
Traci Price: What is it about nature that most resonates with you.
Jennifer Ruesink: I'm a scientist and so I'm interested in knowing how it works. But if I really had to say what resonates with me, why I want to be a scientist, knowing how nature works, it's because when I'm surround by a diversity of living things I feel good. That's the bottom line.