Josh Tewksbury
An exciting time to be a naturalist

Robert Michael Pyle & Saul Weisberg
Keep an eye out for those kids

Carlos Martinez del Rio
The fruiting bodies

Josh Tewksbury
Ten thousand pictures

Steve Herman & Noelle Machinicki
Off the pavement

Peter Kahn
Environmental, generational amnesia

Harry Greene
Ambulance driver

Jon Jarvis & Saul Weisberg
New Americans

Karen Reagan
Artillery impact area

Doug Walker

Laura Busby & George Gilchrist
Everything and everyone

Amanda Barney
You fish and I do science

Sacha Vignieri
I am a naturalist

Julie Stein
Natural history museums

Trileigh Tucker
Science and spirit

Saul Weisberg
Rebirth of natural history

Tim Billo & Larry Davis
Summer camp

Robert Paine & Mary Power
Our respective glasses

Harry Greene
28 weeks

Teresa Mourad
How many species have you identified?

Robin Kimmerer
Goldenrod and asters

Laura Sewall
Nature on a flat screen

Gary Paul Nabhan & Josh Tewksbury
Binoculars of our age

Arya Degenhardt
The desert pupfish

Dan Campbell
The miner's canary